Sunday, 21 February 2016


it was a nasty day to be outside . . .
the kind of day, you wish away:
a gray gossamer curtain
of misty billows and fog
rose on rain that drizzled
and spat in bursts and blasts

of wet, dank, clammy cold 
that oozed through bodies, to bones 
like just-thawed mud . . . and I thought:

if this day was set to music . . .
it would be a lament
if it was a painting,
people would be, barely there . . . in smudges 
ageless, sexless, distant smudges

which made me ache to snuggle 
cozily into a splendid poem, with you 
where we would be . . . 

an indelible line of lovely poetry  . . . oft-repeated

note:  posted for Poets United.

photos:  Bridges across the Fraser River in New Westminster, BC (Skytrain and Pattullo – Mount Baker, in the mist) – W. Bourke
painting:  Gare St. Lazare, 1877 (public domain) – Claude Monet
© 2016 Wendy Bourke                  

Monday, 15 February 2016

Pedal or Coast?


I have come to a place 
far from where I had been

a very long journey:  
there to here – 
and between

and although  
it has been 
a wild ride – even so,

there is something, I reckon  
I never will know . . . for

sometimes I pedaled; 
and sometimes I’d coast

but I still couldn’t tell you –
which one . . . I like most.


Sherry Blue Sky (STARDREAMING with Sherry Blue Sky) of Poets United - A Community for Poets who Blog -  recently interviewed me for the Blog of the Week feature and that interview appears today at Poets United - Blog of the Week ~ Wendy Bourke.  Thanks for this, Sherry. 

photos:  Stanley Park Walk and Bike Path by the Marina – W. Bourke
W. Bourke - M.S. Bourke

© 2013 Wendy Bourke