Tuesday 28 May 2013


The late afternoon
had run amok

even the tussling breezes
had given up

and the stillness hung
in periwinkle blue

as it, inevitably, does
when I am feeling wistful
and listless
in beady droplets of feelings:

vague smatterings
that stubbornly
refuse to rain down
in torrents

and be done with it.

And then – it DID
begin to rain

splish-splashing me
in slapstick buckets.

The irony –
to say nothing of
the pathetic fallacy –
was not lost, in the downpour

and I laughed out loud 
in cathartic chuckles.

note:  Slapstick is a type of comedy based - not on words, but - on humorously embarrassing events.

photo:  Port Moody Pier – W. Bourke

© 2013 Wendy Bourke


  1. You have read my mail again!

    "vague smatterings
    that stubbornly
    refuse to rain down
    in torrents

    and be done with it."

    Exactly how it is! Absolutely loved your ending too.

  2. As always, Jennifer. Thanks so much for your encouraging words of support - much appreciated.
