Monday 23 September 2013

From the Gauzy Blue

Those mornings 
when I awake, sleepy still and uninspired
– spinning enigmatic cobweb thoughts  –
in the quieted house;

the languor shivers

and, for awhile, it seems,
the day is without purpose.

That is when,
I remind myself . . .

In the garden,
there is profound beauty
in the tiniest, most delicate flowers.

For often,
they flourish, there,
because they were nurtured –

fleetingly, perhaps, even,
a little absentmindedly,
but cared for, nonetheless,
consistently . . . and with intent.

And they are glorious –
every flower and every stem.

And in profusion:
they are glorious –
though, the blossoms are as tenuous,
as an inclination.

I rise, then – slowly,
from the gauzy blue vague of awakening . . .

gathering up, all my little bits and snippets –
on gossamer threads of resolve. 

photo:  In the Gauzy Blue (a photo taken on an outing with Diane when she visited Vancouver.  She did a lovely job, I think, capturing the delicate patterns in the tiny flora pictured here – a task that is not as easy as it might seem – as my attempt at the same flower patch made clear.) 

© 2013 Wendy Bourke


  1. Such a beautiful reminder, yes, profoundly so...they are each so very glorious! Love your close especially.

  2. Thanks so much, Jennifer. I've had a really busy summer, but often, I have been struck by little things that exist, because some anonymous someone took it upon themselves to make a small, lovely thing happen. It's really inspired me, to try and follow their good example.

  3. I can relate to those mornings of uninspired thoughts; I have so many of them.

    I love this:
    from the gauzy blue vague of awakening . . .

    gathering up, all my little bits and snippets –
    on gossamer threads of resolve.

  4. Yes, those mornings of uninspired thoughts are all too common - and not much of a motivational start to the day. Thanks for commenting, Janet.
