Sunday 20 September 2015


by half past ...
the whooshing breezes 
that tossed round me 
in cathartic, good-natured gales 
on gusts of exhalation,
had blown out to sea,

and all that was left 
of the buoyant blasts 
that had, exuberantly, swept 
the shore, the dock 
– and all on it – 
into ship shape

was the, occasional, 
flutter ripple remnant: 
stragglers that would 
have to scurry fast to catch 
the great spirit wind ...
that moves with wings of time 

note:  posted for Poets United.
photo:  The Spirit Wind - W. Bourke 

© 2015 Wendy Bourke


  1. This is beautifully written...there is a sense of cleansing in your words that capture the readers emotions. The last two lines really moved me..the ripple effect...

  2. You know, after the storm, after the wind can be such peace.
    As we pick up life once more. When we had the direcho a few years ago it was
    crippling - knocking out power for over a week. In the storm, it was crazy
    stuff flying through the air that normally wouldnt but what silence there in the end.

  3. Very beautiful, especially "the great spirit wind...that moves with wings of time." The photo is lovely too.

  4. what a beautiful flow of words on small things of life that most amazing response to the gust of wind....

  5. By half past the whooshing breezes ..what a magical opening really swept along..dreamy and wistful and really quite brilliantly!

  6. i have witnessed these spirit winds in hawaii, in the atlantic in the pacific in the gulf of mexico. you depicted the spirit wind well


  7. I love how you have caught that feeling after the storm. There is a special kind of silence and maybe even safety afterwards. The alliteration on b in the second stanza really gave that soft rhythm that remaining waves in the dock would give.

  8. Yes, indeed, the great spirit must be thankful for such a wind and its movement. You have set the scene and described it well!

  9. The spirit winds can stir havoc, but then help us appreciate the silence and the gentle breeze. I enjoyed reading this twice. Though addressing a stormy wind it leaves the reader soothed. Very nice.

  10. I love the eternal feeling the last line leaves..very well written.

  11. A whirlwind cleaning session is needed sometimes.

  12. What can I say about your keen observation of details we may take for granted, such as whoosing breezes and the way you're able to turn things to the philosophical and spiritual? Thanks for sharing this. I'm sorry I've been a stranger to blogging (and responding to posts here) in recent times, but pressing family matters have been taking up so much of my time and energy.
